Awashima is a very small fishing village off of the northwestern coast of Japan. There are less than 350 people currently living on the island, and no supermarkets, no convenience stores, and no fast food restaurants. Most of the people living on the island are above the age of 60.
My job here on the island was to help teach English to the 15 kids that were going to school there. I also translated tourism pamphlets and website info. Needless to say, I found myself with a lot of free time, so I used that time to photograph the island and its people.
Before coming to Awashima, my favorite passtime was shooting on the streets of Tokyo. I would mainly try to capture the emotions of people on the streets as they conducted their daily routines. I didn't have the opportunity to do this in Awashima due to how few people there are on the island, so I turned my focus to shooting still life, and objects and spaces that would hopefully convey what life is like living there.