My old blog

Category : Thoughts
Date : November 20, 2014
My old blog

As I continue to try this blogging thing, I was reminded of my first short-lived attempt at blogging when I was a university student. I decided to look it up, and I found it. I read through a few posts and was instantly reminded of how much fun I had doing that blog. I basically went out on the weekends and took pictures of people I thought were interesting. It was so much fun, and my friend sometimes joined me. It was also a really fun way to meet new people. I once met a Malaysian model that way, who I’m still friends with to this day. I was really legit too, I had a business card and everything, so that people wouldn’t think that I was just a creeper. Check it out.



I can’t wait to continue this someday. Looking back at my posts, other than the glaring grammatical errors I think it was a pretty entertaining read. If you have a moment, check it out and let me know what you think.

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